Monday, April 6, 2009

summary of chapter 10, tfy

In this chapter 10, fallacies the purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the origin of fallacy, definition of fallacy, different types of fallacies that manipulate through language, emotions and distractions.
According to author, Fallacies comes from latin word fallacia, which means trick. A fallacy is a statement or argument that presents itself as soundly reasoned when it is not.
When we learn the names and characteristics of these fallacies, we learn more about the rules for good reasoning, we avoid using them ouerselves and we are not influenced by arguments that contain them.
Some fallacies that manipulates through language, emotions and distractions.Manipulation through language is occured by using deceptive language like word ambiguity, euphemisms, and prejudicial language etc, Manipulation through emotions is by seeking intentionally to arouse such emtions as fear, anxiety etc. Manipulation through distraction include is occured due to having a lack of support for their arguments and fallacies based on distraction includes red herring, pointing to another wrong, straw man etc.
I had also experience these fallacies several times. But i learned alot by doing such mistakes, whenever i try repeat it i remind my previous mistake and try to control my self from these fallacies.

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