Monday, April 6, 2009

summary of textbook methods of organization

Text book authors use differnt methods of organization inorder to prevent information in a logical format that suits the subject matter and goals of their books.These methods of organizational pattern which help us to understand textbook are listing, analysis, cause/ effects comparison/contrast, definition/examples and sequence.These pattern uses various organizational word clues, they are; first......... second.......third, festures, types, since, reasons, however, yet, but, defined as, is, means the same as etc. These word clues are used to indicate the overall organization of a reading passage, journal article or textbook chapter.
We can use text book methods of organization by developing test question and by recognizing above patterns and use them as a blue print for predicting the types of exam questions which might be asked.
Even i use the text methods of organization inorder to remind me in exam time.I usually underline the main points and highlight it after reading a paragraph. Organizational word clues helps me to find out what authors main message to us and also i used them while writing an essay, report writing etc

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