Friday, February 27, 2009


Assumptions is a statement that is assumed to be true and from which conclusion can be drawn.
We can find an assumption in cartoons , stories etc.Well, there are different types of assumption they are; conscious or unconscious, warranted or unwarranted assumptions.Assumption that are only recognised after circumstances revealed their errors are known as unconscious and if a family invites u for a dinner , you can assume that you will not pay for the meal and in other hand if you go to restaurant , it would be unwarranted to expect a free meal.
Hidden assumption are unconscious assumptions that greatly influence a line of reasoning and another type is value assumption which means belief that unconsciosly influence our thinking .
There are three types of layer of pyramid value of assumptions , on the top layer is Explicit reasoning, layers of hidden assumption and hidden basic belief or value assumption.We percieve incongruities when we observe situations that donot meet our expectations or assumptions.
In this chapter we learn about an assumption which means what we expect when we see something or what we think when someone says something to us.Assuming is important to understand someone or something.By assuming we can have belief or trust on other.Different people have different opinion on assumptions.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

continued page one of tfy's summary

continued page one of TFY chapter 6's summary
A final category of opinion,close to personal taste, is public sentiment. Often obtained from polls, public sentiment is a gauge of prevailing public impressions on current issues.
examples: The manager is performing his work good.
Well Public opinion polls can be used to determine public sentiment on social and political issues but also to manipulate public sentiment.We people really enjoy expressing and reading opinion.opinion function as primary claims in arguments that are supported by facts, other claims, and reasoning. In an essay, the thesis is a statement of opinion.
By reading this chapter i learned different types of opinion which i had experience in my life. Sometime i have a bad opinion sometime good but every time i try to take a good opinion.
I really do love attending political conference which is related with country's political situation and their opinion towards them.Some time i feel bad that why these political parties never do their work according to their opinion which they had presented in conference? I also like those people who gives advise to other people when they do mistake.

TFY chapter 6's summary

An opinion is person's idea and thought towards something.It is an assessment, judgment or evaluation of something.An opinion is not a fact,because opinion are either not falsifiable or the opinion has not been proven or verified.
There are different types of opinion that people do have they are;
First, there are the judgment: this is good , this is bad; this is right, this is wrong; this should be, this should not be.
example : Boys and girl should not play together.
Second type of opinion involves giving advise: You should do this; you should not dothis
example:You need to have a lunch on time.
Third type of opinion includes simple generalizations, typically preceded by the word all, no, or some.
No on can live alive without food
fourth category opinion involves personal taste or personal preferences: I like this; I don't like this. example: the only food i love is momo .

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CRCB CH 10's summary

Text book marking meaning: A system of marking in our study materials by highlighting to increase our focus and comprehend major points.
Specially we mark main ideas, major supporting details and new vocabulary in our text book or study materials. When we mark in the text book it will help us to remind when we review later on.
There are different steps in the process of textbook marking are; Preview meaning:A process of skimming the study materials which we have assigned, Study-read meaning: A process of reading or studying our assigned textbook chapter section , Mark or Highlight text meaning: A process of marking or highlighting text's main idea, major supporting and new vocabulary And last steps is write margin cues meaning: A margin cue is a symbol we write in the margin of your text beside important information to indicate what we marked and why.
Well, by reading this chapter 10 I learned how we can improve vocabulary, get main idea of passage we read etc when we mark our study materials. Text book marking is important for us to remind quickly in our exam time and also I got many ideas and steps to mark a textbook.

chapter 9 summary

Preview,Study- Read, Review are those things which we need before during and after to understand our study materials.Preview can be done with the help of three steps.They are skimming: meaning reading or glancing through quickly, Develop question: meaning creating question:is related to study by using who, what, when, why, where and how And lastly predict content: meaning the information what we have collected from our study materials.
Study- Read can be done with the help of three steps they are, Read and ask question: meaning when we read we can create a question to our self that what it is? and how it was? etc regarding our study materials, Understand section: meaning when we read we collect information from our study materials after understanding that study materials, and monitor yous reading: means we create question when we finishes our first paragraph and tries to read next paragraph.
Well lastly Review can be done with the help of two steps they are, Assess your understanding of entire reading assignment and clarify confusing.
By reading this chapter i developed my knowledge regarding preview, Study-Read and Review which is important for us before during and after our study. I do apply this in my daily life while studying but i did not have much information which can improve my study skills but by studying this chapter i learned alot.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

letter of introduction ENG 75

My name is Sonam Gurung and i am from Nepal. I am here in Lincoln University to complete my bachelor's in business administration and management.
I was a chartered accountant student before coming to this university.
Well, after completing my bachelor's i would like to hold post of manager or executive director in a reputed company of my country.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

letter of introduction

My name is Sonam Gurung and i am from Nepal. I am here in Lincoln University to complete my bachelor's in business administration and management.
I was a chartered accountant student before coming to this university.
Well, after completing my bachelor's i would like to hold post of manager or executive director in a reputed company of my country.