Tuesday, February 24, 2009

CRCB CH 10's summary

Text book marking meaning: A system of marking in our study materials by highlighting to increase our focus and comprehend major points.
Specially we mark main ideas, major supporting details and new vocabulary in our text book or study materials. When we mark in the text book it will help us to remind when we review later on.
There are different steps in the process of textbook marking are; Preview meaning:A process of skimming the study materials which we have assigned, Study-read meaning: A process of reading or studying our assigned textbook chapter section , Mark or Highlight text meaning: A process of marking or highlighting text's main idea, major supporting and new vocabulary And last steps is write margin cues meaning: A margin cue is a symbol we write in the margin of your text beside important information to indicate what we marked and why.
Well, by reading this chapter 10 I learned how we can improve vocabulary, get main idea of passage we read etc when we mark our study materials. Text book marking is important for us to remind quickly in our exam time and also I got many ideas and steps to mark a textbook.

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