Thursday, February 26, 2009

TFY chapter 6's summary

An opinion is person's idea and thought towards something.It is an assessment, judgment or evaluation of something.An opinion is not a fact,because opinion are either not falsifiable or the opinion has not been proven or verified.
There are different types of opinion that people do have they are;
First, there are the judgment: this is good , this is bad; this is right, this is wrong; this should be, this should not be.
example : Boys and girl should not play together.
Second type of opinion involves giving advise: You should do this; you should not dothis
example:You need to have a lunch on time.
Third type of opinion includes simple generalizations, typically preceded by the word all, no, or some.
No on can live alive without food
fourth category opinion involves personal taste or personal preferences: I like this; I don't like this. example: the only food i love is momo .

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