Tuesday, February 24, 2009

chapter 9 summary

Preview,Study- Read, Review are those things which we need before during and after to understand our study materials.Preview can be done with the help of three steps.They are skimming: meaning reading or glancing through quickly, Develop question: meaning creating question:is related to study by using who, what, when, why, where and how And lastly predict content: meaning the information what we have collected from our study materials.
Study- Read can be done with the help of three steps they are, Read and ask question: meaning when we read we can create a question to our self that what it is? and how it was? etc regarding our study materials, Understand section: meaning when we read we collect information from our study materials after understanding that study materials, and monitor yous reading: means we create question when we finishes our first paragraph and tries to read next paragraph.
Well lastly Review can be done with the help of two steps they are, Assess your understanding of entire reading assignment and clarify confusing.
By reading this chapter i developed my knowledge regarding preview, Study-Read and Review which is important for us before during and after our study. I do apply this in my daily life while studying but i did not have much information which can improve my study skills but by studying this chapter i learned alot.

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