Sunday, March 29, 2009

summary for chapter 9, TFY

In this chapter 9, "ARGUMENT", The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate what is critical reading of an argument and which is criticize by five question they are; what view point is the source of an argument?, what is the issue of controversary?, is it an argument or a report?, how is argument structured interms of reasons and conclusions?, what are the strength and weakness of this arguments?.
Critical reading of an argument is what an argument first needs is an objective reading or hearing.
Argument represent the bais, interests, and objectives of viewpoint.To assess an argument, we first must determine the issue.Argument and reports are each structured differently and have different objectives.We cannot annalyze one according to the standards of the other.Conclusion is a clear statement of what an argument intends to prove.This statement serves as the argument's thesis, final opinion, or judgement. It clearly shows the author's position on an issue where as reasons is a statement offered to explain, justify or support the conclusion of an argument. Reasons can take the form of statements of facts, statistics, evidence, or reasoning. Any number of reasons can be offered to support one conclusion.To find out the strength and weakness of this argument , we need to find out the reason adequatesupport the conclusions, any hidden assumption in this argument, any central word ambiguous or slanted to incite prejudice, any fallacies in the reasoning, any important information omitted, any information that are false, contradictory or irreconcilable

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