Sunday, March 29, 2009

summary for chapter 9, TFY

In this chapter 9, "ARGUMENT", The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate what is critical reading of an argument and which is criticize by five question they are; what view point is the source of an argument?, what is the issue of controversary?, is it an argument or a report?, how is argument structured interms of reasons and conclusions?, what are the strength and weakness of this arguments?.
Critical reading of an argument is what an argument first needs is an objective reading or hearing.
Argument represent the bais, interests, and objectives of viewpoint.To assess an argument, we first must determine the issue.Argument and reports are each structured differently and have different objectives.We cannot annalyze one according to the standards of the other.Conclusion is a clear statement of what an argument intends to prove.This statement serves as the argument's thesis, final opinion, or judgement. It clearly shows the author's position on an issue where as reasons is a statement offered to explain, justify or support the conclusion of an argument. Reasons can take the form of statements of facts, statistics, evidence, or reasoning. Any number of reasons can be offered to support one conclusion.To find out the strength and weakness of this argument , we need to find out the reason adequatesupport the conclusions, any hidden assumption in this argument, any central word ambiguous or slanted to incite prejudice, any fallacies in the reasoning, any important information omitted, any information that are false, contradictory or irreconcilable

mind mappin for chapter 9, TFY

Friday, March 27, 2009


In this chapter 12, "IDENTIFYING AND EVALUATING ARGUMENTS", The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate What is an argument?, How to identify an argument?, What are the types of an arguments?, and How to evaluate an arguments?.
Well, when we talk about an argument, we think an argument is a dispute where there is a strong disagreement, "They were involved in a voilent argument".
Example Since 1947 AD my neighbouring country INDIA and PAKISTAN are being fighting for a state naming kashmir. Both country says kashmir belong to them but there is no any conclusion or solution only a reason to fight each other. Millions of my neighbor lost their life during the war and sitll they are fighting for a kashmir. For above example we have a concept about an argument.
But in this chapter author describes an ARGUMENT is also the logical structures that people use when they write and speak to present ideas and to persuade others to support those ideas. These logical structures consists of statement, some of which are conclusion and some of which are the reason that supports them.
Example: if my friend tells me "SLUM DOG MOVIE" is the best movie ever made than that is a conclusion and if she tells me that movie has a good story, interesting people, nice dailogue, full of facts etc than that is a reason for a conclusion.
Argument is also a fact or assertion offered as evidence that something is true.There are two parts of an arguments they are ;firstly the judgement, opinion, you reach after thinking about or investigating an issue and secondly a statement that explans, justifies or supports a conclusion. Inorder to identify an argument we need to take help from word clues they are reasons and conclusion and also there are different types of an argument they are; deductive and inductive. Although judging the quality of an argument is a complex task, you can use various strategies to help you decide if an argument in a text book is a sound, they are ; determine dependability , distinguish facts from opinions, detect fallacies in an arguments.


Monday, March 23, 2009




Viewpoint is "a mental position from which things are viewed" or "a person attitudes towards something".
The ability to detach from one's point of view and assume another's is an important skill, it enable us to communicate better with others and gain new perspectives.The purpose of this chapter ' VIEWPOINT' is to demonstrate the benefits of such attitudes and skills. In a literature an author can choose a third person to tell the story with limited understanding other choices of viewpoints include a first person narative told by one character or the multiple points of view shared by several characters. Unconscious viewpoints include the egocentric, ethnocentric and religiocentric. Even though their meanings keep shifting the terms liberal and conservative, left and right are still used as yardstick to describe political view points.


In this chapter 4 'MANAGING YOUR READING TIME' , the purpose of this chapter is to describe what is efficient reading?, becoming a more efficient reader, developing a daily plan and test taking and time management.
Efficient reading is being able to read and comprehend text book material in appropriate amount of time for you.To become a more efficient reader one should know their reading averages, track their reading rates, speed reading, critical reading, reading quickly, skimming, rereading, subvocalizing and pacing. A daily reading plan is a prioritized list of reading tasks and inorder to develop it one should keep a record of their pages per hour reading rates for each of their classes and when reading for more than one class in a single study session, complete the reading for their most difficult or least favorite class first. And to manage a time for test taking one should study consistently and with regularity, keep a calender of events, such as exam days etc, allow time before the exam to get to the class room and answer the easy question first.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Internet allows million of people to share information.It also connect people through out the world.Skills regarding accessing information from the internet is necessary.We get the skills from our college level. We can stay hours infront of PC, computers for finding information, which we are looking for. This chapter is not intended to assist you with the computer skills needed to use your computer or the skills you will need to access the internet effectively.
There are various steps of internet source evaluation system. They are; know your purpose, double check your facts and sources, consider the source, evaluate the look and content of a site, consider the intended Audiance, Evaluate writing and compare content with what you already know. A rubric can be an effective tool for evaluate internet information.It is a chart that contains criteria designed to evaluate specific information
The internet is its own land with its own language. Vocabulary words which is a directory of useful internet are; bookmark, browser, directory, download, html, search engine, url (uniform resource locator).


Evaluation is what we judged and it is one varietyof opinion. Evaluation is judging, appraising, estimating, valuing and evaluating etc.
When our mind tend to evaluate situations before we have had the time to look them over is called premature evaluation.Evaluation are not facts Well, critical thinker try to be fair in their use of evaluatios. They don't mistake evaluation words for facts. Expectation influence our perceptions as well as our evaluations while recognizing evaluation in words connotations, it can be manipulative evaluations.Skilled use of evaluation is an expert person with a reputation for making skilled evaluations. It is highly important and often prized achievements. And the word propagnada means the manipulation of public opinion for the benefit for truth and rational argument.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

CCRB chapter 7 summary

In this chapter 7, Using Inference to identify implied main ideas,
Inference is the process of making assumptions, and drawing conclusions about information when an author's opinions or ideas are not directly stated.

the following strategies will help you to effectively infer meaning when an author doesnot directly state his or her main points.
a) Understand an author's purpose
b)Note comparisons and implied similarities
c)Understand an author's use of tone
d)Detect an author's bias
e)Recognize information gaps
An author's purpose is an author's reason for writing, In college text, authors sometime use comparisons to illustrate their points, The tone author use to discuss their subject matter can reveal their attitudes toward it, To detect an author's bias, you must first picture the person with whom you are having a textbook conversation.
It is particularly difficult to draw infereces from reading materials when limited informations is presented or when information appears to be missing (information gaps)
One problem some students have with inference is that they infer too much. Here are some strategies to ensure that your inferences are accurate. They are,
a) Recognize an author's perspective.
b)Use the text to support ur conclusion.
When main ideas are implied, you must use inference strategies and mentally construct the main ideas for your self. The following steps will guide you in how to do this.
1) Read carefully
2)Identify the topic of the reading material
3)Ask yourself what important point the author makes about the topic
4)Combine the topic with new information you have learned.

chapter 6 summary CCRB

In this chapter finding supporting details, Authors use details to illustrate and explain their main ideas, which are more general in nature, details consist of facts, examples and other specific information. Types of details are major supporting details and minor supporting details. Major supporting details provide support for the main idea of reading. They are commonly presented in the form of examples, illustrations, explanations, definition, facts or opinions, and they typically answer who? what? when ? how? or why? question about the main idea.
Minor supporting details are intended to clarify and enhance the major supporting details and are not usually considered as important. It is important to prioritize details because major ones are crucial to understanding a reading assignment, while minor ones, though interesting, are less helpful and take up valuable space in ur memory.

CCRB chapter 5 summary

In this chapter locating stated main ideas, A word topics mean short phrase that summarizes the general ideas presented on a page or in a chapter. A word main idea means the major point the author makes about the topic. It is usually stated in theform of a sentence and is narrow in scope than the topic and a word details mean to serve as the controlling idea under which other idea stack as support. These pieces or supporting ideas, are called details. Mind map are line drawing th that show the relationships between ideas. They begin with the most general idea at the top, or in the center, and then visually seperate out the topics, mainideas, and major and minor supporting details.
Preview is a strategy that helps you mentally prepare for reading new materials and involves reading the title of an assignment, the introduction, any headings, and if there is one, the summary.
Strategis for recognizing main ideas are as following;
a) Question your self
b)Look in the usual spots
c)Notice word clues
d)Categorize an author's point

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CCRB chapter 2 summary

This chapter is related with of vocabulary , how to develop your vocabulary, understanding new vocabulary, we can use two important strategies to helpyou to figure out the meaning of un familiar words, looking for context clues and word part analysis.One way to work out the meaning of new word is to relate it to familiar words in a sentence and use those words as context clues.Types of context clues are as follows;
a) definition
d)Personam experience, opinion and knowledge
In word part analysis, To analyze word, you should break them up to smaller parts, roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Roots: A word's root is its most basic part roots or building block.
example- anthrop man anthropology
Prefixes: attaching a prefix to the front of a word changes its meaning.Different prefixes will change the meaning in differernt ways, as demonstrated when the prefixes a, bi ,homo and hetero are attached to the word sexual.
Suffixes are word parts that are addedto the wnd of a word, example: manage +able =manageable.
We need to remember new vocabulary so that we will be able to understand if such words are repeated in future. a word map is a pictures that ilustrates the various steps you should take inorder to learn a new words.There are six steps for creating word maps .They are;
b)original sentence
d)your own sentence
e)part of speech
Card review system is a useful strategy for learning both general and specialized vocabulary.Another important aspect of vocabulary building is recognizing the distinction between a word's denotation and cannotation.Denotation is the dictionary definition plus any idea suggested by or associated with that word.

chapter 1 summary of (TFY)

Observation skills help us assess how our training is being received. Most of us are consciously or unconsciously observing nonverbal behaviors and drawing conclusion based on our observations. Based on our observation over time, we can make decisions to continue the learning process as planned or to modify it according to learner's needs.
In this chapter the word observe, like other words that are the subjects of future chapters is one that we hear and use every day. By using observation skills we develop new knowledge. No matter how many strategies we devise, or how well we reason, that thinking will be faulty. If we want to develop more conscious thinking habits, we have to first observe our own thinking processes so we can recognize our strength and weakness.
Observation is the process of sensing, perceiving, and thinking.Sensing is collecting data through the sense organs. Perceiving is holding sense data in consciousness until we can categorize and interpret it. Thinking organizes our perception. There is a barriers to observation which lie inside us. We feel discomfort whenever we suffer a problems while observing. Building an arguments in observation skills is necessary. Well some key terms related to arguments that we will need to understand are;parts of an arguments, principal claim, reasons and hypothesis.
Sensitive,accurate observing is an essential skill of both scientist and artists.The rewards of skilled observations is one can judge correctly what she\he has observed.
By reading this chapter i learned about the importance of observation skills to judge what is it. Observation skills plays an important role in our daily life too.We can learn new knowledge, idea etc through observing.

chapter 2 summary (TFY)

The word precisions meaning the state or quality of being precise; exactness.
This chapter describes the words interconnect with thinking and perceiving, A good dictionary helps thinking, words are defined, words convey feelings, concepts abstract thought, critical reading works.
The search to find the right match between words and experience can lead to clearing of new words.Moreover, each new word that we master enables us to see even more of the world. In order to know the meaning of words and develop our vocabulary, we need to take an interest in dictionaries. This chapter teaches us well to use our dictionary. Sometime we may get confuse with unfamiliar as well as with familiar words so, when we get confuse about such words we need to listen these words carefully before you reply to anyone.
Definitions clarify words through boundaries. When we learn a new words, the definitions shows us what boundaries seperite it from every other words.There are various kinds of definitions they are;
a) The rules that govern the system of classification are based ona science called taxonomy.
b)Scientific definitions, which remain more fixed than other kinds of definition because they are specific and technical.
c)Stipulative definition based on individual or group agreements.
d)Inventive definition describes previously unrecognized ideas, categories or concepts.
The connotation of word are about feelings. These associations can evoke reactions, images, emotions or thoughts. A word that organizes and abstracts a body of related experience, a general idea.From the latin conceptus meaning a thing conceived.Critical reading begins with a resolve to aim for a neutral and accurate comprehension of the material.
From this chapter i learned the important of words in conversation.Without knowing the meaning of word i is difficult to conversate with other and important of dictionary to improve my vocabulary skills.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

TFY chapter 3 summary

The word fact meaning a piece of informationabout circumstances that exists or events that have occured. A fact is also concept whose truth can be proved.
Fact and reality has a relationship that to define a fact we say fact is a real, Well, facts is the interpretation of real and true.example ; sun rises early in the morning and sets in the evening.
The most we can say about any facts is that its certainty is higher or lower in probability.Facts that are most useful to us are those that have been repeatedly verified by many sources over time.We believe on saying when we know the facts so, everything is related with facts and truths.Suprisingly enough, we can sometimes be led to believe that the difference between facts and fiction doesnot really matter.To test the perception accuracy, confirmation is needed from others.Confirmation takes us out of disequilibriumand restores us to equilibrium.
Example: Sonam:I didnot eat fastfood yesterday.
My fiancy:Yes, you did! you ate noodles after coming from school.
Standards we use to determine facts are verifiability, reliability, plausibility, probability. Verifiability means the data can be confirmed by another sources. Reliability means when we obtain agreements or disagreements about facts, we have to consider their degree of dependability. Probability means tested through time and repetition, represents another standard used to determine the relability of a fact. And Plausibility meaning they undergo the test of credibility.
When ever we say or do something there is a necessary of facts to be present.Facts are considered as a truth .

chapter four summary (TFY)

Inference is the process of deriving a conclusion based solely on what one already knows. And inference can also be defined as the reasoning involved in a drawing a conclusion or making a logical judgement on the basis of circumstantial evidence.
We use inferences every hour of our lives in all its forms of imagining, guessing, estimating, predicting, and concluding.If we feel our stomach empty( we must be hungry) so, we take out food and eat.
There are three types of inference they are; drawing inference from evidence, facts and careful observation.
In this chapter Inference what i learned is what we had experience in our daily life. Yesterday i went to one of my cousin's birthday party , there were lots of nepali people as i am from nepal too. We were talking about facts and events of our country Nepal. By that time one of brother told about the possibility of collapse of earth in 2012 which was mentioned in one book from where all of massacre which was happened before is being true.Than all of other nepali sister added that the things which is written in this book is always being true.Then i statrted imagining about the future and about the things which is going to happen though i am not even 0ne percent sure i am imagining those things after hearing such news.This a kind of inference to me by filling missing facts on my mind. hahhaha