Wednesday, March 4, 2009

CCRB chapter 5 summary

In this chapter locating stated main ideas, A word topics mean short phrase that summarizes the general ideas presented on a page or in a chapter. A word main idea means the major point the author makes about the topic. It is usually stated in theform of a sentence and is narrow in scope than the topic and a word details mean to serve as the controlling idea under which other idea stack as support. These pieces or supporting ideas, are called details. Mind map are line drawing th that show the relationships between ideas. They begin with the most general idea at the top, or in the center, and then visually seperate out the topics, mainideas, and major and minor supporting details.
Preview is a strategy that helps you mentally prepare for reading new materials and involves reading the title of an assignment, the introduction, any headings, and if there is one, the summary.
Strategis for recognizing main ideas are as following;
a) Question your self
b)Look in the usual spots
c)Notice word clues
d)Categorize an author's point

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