Sunday, March 1, 2009

TFY chapter 3 summary

The word fact meaning a piece of informationabout circumstances that exists or events that have occured. A fact is also concept whose truth can be proved.
Fact and reality has a relationship that to define a fact we say fact is a real, Well, facts is the interpretation of real and true.example ; sun rises early in the morning and sets in the evening.
The most we can say about any facts is that its certainty is higher or lower in probability.Facts that are most useful to us are those that have been repeatedly verified by many sources over time.We believe on saying when we know the facts so, everything is related with facts and truths.Suprisingly enough, we can sometimes be led to believe that the difference between facts and fiction doesnot really matter.To test the perception accuracy, confirmation is needed from others.Confirmation takes us out of disequilibriumand restores us to equilibrium.
Example: Sonam:I didnot eat fastfood yesterday.
My fiancy:Yes, you did! you ate noodles after coming from school.
Standards we use to determine facts are verifiability, reliability, plausibility, probability. Verifiability means the data can be confirmed by another sources. Reliability means when we obtain agreements or disagreements about facts, we have to consider their degree of dependability. Probability means tested through time and repetition, represents another standard used to determine the relability of a fact. And Plausibility meaning they undergo the test of credibility.
When ever we say or do something there is a necessary of facts to be present.Facts are considered as a truth .

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