Tuesday, March 3, 2009

CCRB chapter 2 summary

This chapter is related with of vocabulary , how to develop your vocabulary, understanding new vocabulary, we can use two important strategies to helpyou to figure out the meaning of un familiar words, looking for context clues and word part analysis.One way to work out the meaning of new word is to relate it to familiar words in a sentence and use those words as context clues.Types of context clues are as follows;
a) definition
d)Personam experience, opinion and knowledge
In word part analysis, To analyze word, you should break them up to smaller parts, roots, prefixes and suffixes.
Roots: A word's root is its most basic part roots or building block.
example- anthrop man anthropology
Prefixes: attaching a prefix to the front of a word changes its meaning.Different prefixes will change the meaning in differernt ways, as demonstrated when the prefixes a, bi ,homo and hetero are attached to the word sexual.
Suffixes are word parts that are addedto the wnd of a word, example: manage +able =manageable.
We need to remember new vocabulary so that we will be able to understand if such words are repeated in future. a word map is a pictures that ilustrates the various steps you should take inorder to learn a new words.There are six steps for creating word maps .They are;
b)original sentence
d)your own sentence
e)part of speech
Card review system is a useful strategy for learning both general and specialized vocabulary.Another important aspect of vocabulary building is recognizing the distinction between a word's denotation and cannotation.Denotation is the dictionary definition plus any idea suggested by or associated with that word.

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