Monday, March 23, 2009


In this chapter 4 'MANAGING YOUR READING TIME' , the purpose of this chapter is to describe what is efficient reading?, becoming a more efficient reader, developing a daily plan and test taking and time management.
Efficient reading is being able to read and comprehend text book material in appropriate amount of time for you.To become a more efficient reader one should know their reading averages, track their reading rates, speed reading, critical reading, reading quickly, skimming, rereading, subvocalizing and pacing. A daily reading plan is a prioritized list of reading tasks and inorder to develop it one should keep a record of their pages per hour reading rates for each of their classes and when reading for more than one class in a single study session, complete the reading for their most difficult or least favorite class first. And to manage a time for test taking one should study consistently and with regularity, keep a calender of events, such as exam days etc, allow time before the exam to get to the class room and answer the easy question first.

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